
MARIMIX™ is a high-performance bituminous patch that can be used cold, warm or hot. Unused material can be stored and reused to prevent waste. It handles easily even at cold weather temperatures. MARIMIX™ can be heated in pavement storage hot boxes (available for rent or sale) without damaging the properties of the material. MARIMIX™ can also be amended with Infrared Thermal Treatment.
Pavement depressions, potholes and/or utility cuts are prime candidates for MARIMIX™. Just sweep the area to be repaired, tack coat the edges and install MARIMIX™ into the area. Compact in 2” layers and you have a permanent repair. No more digging out cold patch to make permanent repairs.
Made of 100% virgin materials, this product is like no other cold patch. Placed properly, it does not require removal and can be incorporated into conventional HMA products. Available by bulk or 5-gallon buckets.

CRF® Restorative Seal is a modified asphalt emulsion with select petroleum resins that restores, and seals aged bituminous concrete pavement. CRF® addresses specific pavement conditions that does not harden or dry out and is less receptive to oxidation than standard asphalt emulsions.
CRF® Restorative emulsion holds the aggregate cover material and fills surface voids with a very flexible product. CRF® penetrates and rejuvenates aged asphalt to extend your pavement life up to 5 years without pavement buildup.
FAMCO is the exclusive New England region distributor for CRF® as well as other Tricor Refining products.

Reclamite® is a maltene-based penetrating emulsion with anti-striping agents to help restore the plasticity and durability of the asphalt.
Water intrusion in pavement, ultraviolet damage and other aging factors can cause raveling and oxidation of the pavement which impacts its service life. Reclamite® replaces the maltene fractions lost through weathering and high temperatures reached during the manufacturing process. It penetrates the asphalt and seals out water and UV, while inhibiting raveling and oxidation by replacing the flexibility of the pavement and restoring its binding strength.
The use of Reclamite® provides a more economical method of rehabilitating older pavements than either total replacement, conventional seal coats or overlays.
FAMCO is the exclusive New England region distributor for Reclamite® as well as other Tricor Refining products.

Custom Emulsions
FAMCO has formulated and procured modified emulsions to meet our clients needs for several applications including binding and activating recycled asphalt shingles (RAS), full depth reclamation (FDR) as well as dust control for gravel roads.
FAMCO's technical personnel and consultants formulate specific modified emulsions and application rates on a case by case basis. Contact us for more information or to talk with somebody to see if there is something that can assist your needs. In the event that we don't have what you need, we typically know who does and can point you in the right direction should we not be able to provide you the best value solution.
As the exclusive New England distributor for Tricor Refining, LLC, FAMCO has the resources to provide numerous products to help you rejuvenate, restore and recycle.