Pavement Restoration
Asphalt deterioration begins at the surface. Weather and sun damage the surface layer of pavement causing it to become dry and brittle. Left untreated, the pavement will continue to breakdown resulting in cracking and moisture intrusion. If left unaddressed, water intrusion will eventually lead to total pavement failure.
From minor crack repairs to complete rehabilitation, we know how to improve the Pavement at every stage in their life cycle and keep them looking and performing better over the long term.
A good pavement management/preventative maintenance plan will save you money over the life cycle of your paved roads. Instituting lower cost proven maintenance measures at the top of the pavement deterioration curve will save you spending much higher costs for costly repair/replacement.

CRF® Restorative Seal
CRF® Restorative Seal is a modified asphalt emulsion with select petroleum resins that restore, and seal aged bituminous concrete pavement. Proven and tested for over 40 years, CRF®`s formulation addresses specific pavement conditions and is ideal for oxidized and weathered pavement that still retains its structural integrity.
CRF® Restorative Seal penetrates and rejuvenates aged asphalt to extend your pavement life up to 5 years without pavement buildup. CRF® holds the cover material (sand and/or select aggregates) and fills surface voids with a very flexible product that traffic continues to knead and work into the pavement surface. All this achieved at costs much lower than typical resurfacing methods.

Reclamite® Preservative Seal
Reclamite® Preservative Seal is a rejuvenating maltene based penetrating seal that can extends road life about 3-5 years, by restoring the plasticity and durability in the asphalt. Water intrusion into the pavement, ultraviolet damage and other aging factors can cause raveling and oxidation of the pavement, which impacts its service life. A Reclamite®`s Preservative Seal replaces the maltene fractions lost through weathering and high temperatures reached during the manufacturing process. Reclamite® penetrates the asphalt and seals out water and UV while inhibiting raveling and oxidation by replacing the flexibility of the pavement and restoring its binding strength.
The use of Reclamite® Preservative Seal provides a more economical method of rehabilitating older pavements than either total replacement, conventional seal coats or overlays.

Modified Emulsions
FAMCO has formulated modified emulsions and resourced top of the line products to meet our clients needs for several applications.
FAMCO's technical personnel and consultants formulate specific modified emulsions and application rates on a case by case basis. As the exclusive Tricor Refining, LLC distributor in New England, FAMCO has the resources for all Tricor`s products, including former Golden Bear Pavement Preservation products. Contact us for more information or to talk with one of our specialized team to see if there is something that can assist your needs. In the event that we don't have what you need, we typically know who does and can point you in the right direction. We should be able to provide you the best value solution.

Crack Filling & Sealing
For over 30 years, FAMCO has been providing crack filling services to private and municipal clients throughout the New England area. FAMCO utilizes a CRF® cold pour crack fill method. Through several years of experimenting, the CRF® cold crack filler method has been shown to be more economical, safer and the best value preventative maintenance service.
FAMCO provides full-service crack filling services with equipment, materials and crews. We also provide our clients with other economical means depending on their capabilities and personnel. Such services include crack filling tank and dispenser rentals, bulk emulsions, partial crews and supervisor only crews depending on client needs.

Infrared Thermal Repairs
For over 50 years, FAMCO has been providing Infrared services, sales and maintenance to numerous utility companies and municipalities throughout the New England area. FAMCO was one of the original manufacturers of the Infrared technology. Providing expertise by implementing and training others in performing Infrared thermal repairs.
The infrared process is a proven effective solution for many localized, non-structural failures in bituminous concrete. Sample candidates for this type of surface restoration include sunken utility patches, potholes, raveling, pavement heaving, and water drainage problems.

Conventional Paving Repairs-Year Round
FAMCO has provided year round/24-7 asphalt patching to the utility and municipal market for over 50 years. FAMCO maintains and operates a large fleet of varying size hot boxes to effectively provide hot mix year round.
FAMCO provides services such as deliveries, rentals and manned trained crews to support our client needs. From basic pot hole patching, to utility cuts, to conventional milling and patching, and to specialty railroad crossings. FAMCO can meet demands and needs for our commercial and municipal clients in a timely and professional manner.