Decorative Surfacing

Endurablend™ is comprised of a specially formulated polymer modified cement mixed with fibers and aggregates that is spray applied to both asphalt and concrete pavements for decorative and safety applications.
Endurablend™ can be used on horizontal and vertical surfaces. It can be stenciled for custom logos and most masonry layouts. Endurablend™ can be blended to just about any custom color to meet your design needs. Endurablend™ is the longest lasting and as such, the best value decorative surfacing treatment at this time.
FAMCO is the New England installer for Endurablend™.

In 2003, FAMCO introduced the IMPRINT® system as a synthetic paving alternative for decorative pavement applications such as crosswalks, medians, roundabouts, intersections, aprons and sidewalks.
The system consists of applying a heated, colored resin compound to the surface of an asphalt pavement. The material is smoothed and stamped to the desired masonry pattern. The high temperature application achieves a thermal bond to asphalt pavements creating a monolithic build, making it extremely durable and rut resistant. The specified thickness also ensures that the color will never wear off, even under the highest traffic conditions.
IMPRINT® is the most costly of the decorative surfacing systems and has its place for for certain applications.